

Yoga helps us to balance our body and mind in order to find peace. Through stretching, meditation and strength poses, we will set out together on the path to finding equilibrium.

Grounded in my holistic approach, an important part of the yoga session is always an initial ritual (approx. 10 minutes) to give space to your current mood, anything that that is currently bothering you, any topic that needs to be released.

This way you arrive gently in the here and now and can get into the flow.

Depending on your mood and abilities, we can calmly bring your body and mind into harmony or work up a sweat to switch off.

Regular Group Sessions (English):

Monday, 17:30h - 18:30h

Goethepark, Senegalstr. 13351

Urban Sports Club / 10 € Cash

Friday, 8:00h - 9:00h

Yogastübchen, Genterstr. 65 13351

15-18 € Cash / Stamp Cards / Urban Sports Club

Sign up via Email ( or Instagram DM

Cost for private sessions:

30 minutes – €15

45 minutes – €23

60 minutes – €30

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