
Find your Balah

Balah is the sanskrit word for strength, power, or to be a child.

I invite you to [re]discover your own strength and power and the childlike qualities: creativity, lightness, curiosity, openness through various methods.

The sunflower [which repeatedly turns towards the sun] represents the confidence that we can trust in our own strength and power even in difficult times.


In group or individual sessions you will find your own voice and explore your inner world.

 You are free to choose the topics to work on, I will support you in this process.

We can work through grief, couple problems, low self-confidence and much more together.


Through meditation and yoga poses (asanas) you will get to know your body and mind.

Through the connection between movement and breathing you will find peace and build strength.


Find your center - through relaxation massages and breathing exercises (Pranayama), as well as various meditation exercises.

Play therapy

Does your child find it difficult to control themselves, is anxious, withdrawn, or has been through difficult times?

Play therapy gives children a space to get to know themselves in a new way while at the same time developing new strategies to cope with their environment.

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